Environmental beach quality has become increasingly important criteria for choosing a tourist destination. Although legislation in recent years has evolved towards coastal zone planning and wastewater treatment, bathing water quality is the only public health-related quality indicator that users can use to make targeted choices.

The study of sand’s microbiological quality is justified since the current Directive 2006/7/EC provides a comprehensive structure of protection for the quality of bathing water and surrounding areas, along with the health of its users.

The World Health Organisation in the guide “Guidelines for safe recreational waters Volume 1 – Coastal and fresh waters” (published in 2003) expresses concern about beach sand’s quality as it can act as a reservoir of infection agents, particularly in bathing areas where sand use is more relevant.

In light of this motivation, the Nazaré Municipality joined the Blue Flag project in 2008 to monitor sand quality, continued the monitoring after the project’s end to ensure beach quality.

Check Sand quality analisys results here