Within the scope of the certifications to which Praia da Nazaré is subject, in the quest for continuous improvement, an annual set of objectives/indicators is signaled both through the environmental policy, as well as the environmental objectives and the safety and health of users of Praia da Nazaré, which trigger actions to eliminate the risk or create an opportunity for improvement in terms of environmental sustainability.

These objectives/indicators are:

  1. Improved monitoring of the quantity and characterization of waste at Praia de Nazaré (behavioral characterization of users in the production of waste).
  2. Compliance with all parameters – the average values – Upper assessment thresholds for air quality at Praia da Nazaré (e.g. PM10, PM2.5; NO2; NO;SO).
  3. Monitoring environmental education activities throughout the year.
  4. Maintaining/complying with the criteria defined in the Blue Flag.
  5. Maintaining excellent bathing water quality.
  6. Maintenance of the Nazaré Beach EMS in accordance with NP EN ISO 14001:2015.
  7. General satisfaction of users of Nazaré beach (Good and Very Good=65%)
  8. Satisfaction with the cleanliness of sanitary facilities (point 3.2 of the Satisfaction Survey – Good and Very Good=65%).
  9. Effectiveness of response to Non-Conformities / Complaints related to sanitary facilities. (65%)
  10. Maintenance/fulfilment of the criteria defined for accessible beaches.
  11. Frequency of need to activate rescue resources (Fire Brigade, INEM, Boat) – Indicator
  12. Number of drownings – Indicator
  13. Frequency of dangerous species appearing on the coast – Indicator
  14. Compliance with planned checks – equipment checklist – Indicator
  15. Average number of toilet users – Indicator
  16. Frequency of large quantities of algae appearing on the coast – Indicator

You can check the environmental policy below: